





517美食 ☉ 北京吃喝玩乐-吃货网 ☉ 法式素食: 共享普罗旺斯焖菜 Vegi lover: Ratatouille

法式素食: 共享普罗旺斯焖菜 Vegi lover: Ratatouille

2015-02-06 22:41    来源:网络转载    作者:未知    阅读:180次    我要评论

  此前分享过很多的食谱都是需要有烤箱的,这次特别挑了一个中餐厨房也完全可以实现的经典菜式。这道炖菜食谱是可以按个人喜好略加变化的,除了西葫芦是必要的,其他蔬菜的选择可根据时令和喜好替换,尽量选择容易软化并能够吸收风味的蔬菜。这次使用了两种中餐比较少用到的干香草--牛至和罗勒,它们与番茄和大蒜的混合作用成就了这道菜的核心风味。干香草价格不贵,而且一小瓶就可以用很久,除了三源里菜市场之外很多超市也都有卖。这道菜我反复做过很多次,属于较少的集美味和营养价值于一体的简单菜式,跟很多荤菜(如羊排)都是绝佳的搭配,一定要自己尝试一下哦!   Having shared quite a few recipies required oven, this is specially picked as a dish required nothing much more than a pan. Besides zucchini, other vegetables are all replacable depending on season and personal preference, try to choose those can be soften and easily absorb flavors. This dish uses 2 dry herbs which are not commonly used in Chinese cuisine -- dry origano & basil. The combination of these herbs with tomato and garlic provides the core flavor of this ratatouille. Dry herbs are quite cheap and a small bottle lasts for long time. They are be found in many supermarkets nowadays. This is one of my most frequently cooked dishes, not only because of its taste and nutrient value, but also how well it compliment many meat dishes (such as lamb rack). This is something you really have to try!   原料/ Ingredients   意大利西葫芦/ Zucchini   一黄一绿/ 1 yellow, 1 green   胡萝卜/ Carrot   一根/ 1   豆角/ Beans   7、8根/ 7-8   紫洋葱/ Red onion   一头/ 1   罐装番茄/ Canned tomato   一罐/ 1 can   蒜/ Garlic   3头/ 3 cloves   奥勒冈草/ Dry Origano   少许/ Add to your taste   罗勒/ Dry basil   少许/ Add to your taste      第一步:将豆角切成斜条。把两种西葫芦用斜刀切成半公分厚的大片。洋葱和胡萝卜都切成中等大小的片(胡萝卜无须切太薄)。   Step 1: Chop the beans in an angle; chop zucchini into 5mm thick pieces; chop carrots and onion as well.                  第二步:将豆角、洋葱、胡萝卜分别在锅中加盐煸炒直至软化(分开煸炒因为不同蔬菜软化速度不一样,一起炒的话软硬不一),盛出待用。   Step 2: Separately saute the beans, onion & carrot in a pan with salt. This is to ensure different vegetables are soften to the same degree. Put them into separate bowls for lateruse.            第三步:在锅中加入橄榄油并爆香蒜片,之后加入西葫芦煸炒。待西葫芦软化(边缘呈半透明状)加入两种干香草,添加干香草不要吝啬,如图所示差不多覆盖一般的表面。之后加入之前过了油的豆角、洋葱和胡萝卜,并倒入一罐番茄(包括番茄汁)。   Step 3: In a pan, add olive oil and fry the garlic to take light color, then saute the zucchini. When zucchini is softened, add the 2 dry herbs. Go brave on the herbs until lightly covered the zucchini. Then add in the beans, onion & carrot, then pour in the canned tomato.            第四步:大火烧开后,转为小火盖上盖子焖煮15-20分钟,出锅前加盐调味。   Step 4: Bring to boil then turn down the heat, cover and simmer slowly for 15-20 mins. Adjust seasoning to your taste before serving.      家庭分享版:For family sharing....      或者给有bigger的客人 or for distinguished guests :-)         查看微信公众号“金小厨”。第一时间获得美味食谱及做法!Search "chef_jp" in wechat official account and subcribe to be timely update!   

