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烟熏甜椒粉烤鸡 / Roast chicken with chorizo & white beans ...

2015-02-06 22:36    来源:网络转载    作者:未知    阅读:321次    我要评论

  烟熏甜椒粉烤鸡/ Roast chicken with chorizo & white beans stuffing   2015-02-05金小厨   点击上方"金小厨"查看全部食谱并订阅我们!Search for chef_jp to subscribe!   此款烤鸡菜谱来自魔鬼米其林大厨Gordon Ramsay。由于烤盘中加入白葡萄酒并以锡纸封口,烹调的前半部分近似于半蒸半煮,使得鸡肉的口感鲜嫩多汁。而最后半小时的烤制再给鸡皮上色,成就其卖相和口感的兼具。所以呢,各位就不要犹豫了!   本次外景拍摄于新加坡苏丹的豪宅中,并且二次感谢张博士的拍摄哈。   This roasted chicken recipe comes from Gordon Ramsay. As the chicken roasted in wine and covered with tin foil, the chicken will be really tender and juicy. Last half an hour of baking without any cover will color the skin to perfection. So, if you have an oven, what are you waiting for? Photo takes at Dan's house by Dr.Zhang again!   原料/ Ingredients   整鸡/ Chicken   1只/ 1   西班牙香肠/ Chorizo   3根/ 3 pieces   洋葱/ Onion   1头/ 1 piece   大蒜/ Garlic   1瓣/ 1 clove   意大利白豆/ Cannellini Beans or any white beans   1罐/ 1 jar   油渍干番茄/ Sun-dry tomatos   5-6片/ 5-6 pieces   百里香/ Thyme   若干根/ Several sprigs   柠檬/ Lemon   1个/ 1   干白葡萄酒/ Dry white wine   400毫升/ 400 ml   烟熏甜椒粉/ Smoked paprika   2茶匙/ 2 teaspoon      第一步   将西班牙香肠和洋葱切成小块儿。热锅中加入橄榄油,把切碎的西班牙香肠煎出香味(油的颜色会变深因为香肠中的各式香料),之后加入洋葱煎至软化。   Step 1   Cut chorizo and onion into small pieces. Olive oil into a hot pan, saute the chorizo until the oil takes on color, then add in the onion and saute until soften.               第二步   加入意大利白豆,并加入盐和胡椒粉调味(如果没有意大利白豆,也可以使用其他的罐装豆子)。之后加入一些油渍的干番茄(不要使用鲜西红柿,不然填充物会太湿),这可以增加甜味。   Step 2   Add in the cannellini beans, then season with salt & pepper (other canned beans can also be used if cannellini beans are not available). Then add a few dry tomatos (not fresh tomato, otherwise stuff will be too wet), this will add the sweetness to the stuffing.         第三步   将处理过内脏的整鸡洗净,在内脏中加盐和胡椒粉调味,并加入之前做好的填充物。用一个柠檬封住鸡的后门,表明淋上橄榄油,加盐、胡椒、以及甜椒粉。将调味料均匀涂抹在鸡皮表面,整体呈红色。   Step 3   Clean the whole chicken, season the inside with salt & pepper, then add in the stuffing made earlier. Use a lemon to cover the cavity, then season the skin with olive oil, salt & pepper, as well as paprika. Cover the chicken evenly until it takes a red color from the paprika.                     第四步   烤盘中加入400毫升白葡萄酒和同等量的白水,把鸡放入烤盘,加入大量的百里香,并用锡纸封住整个烤盘(这可以帮助鸡进行蒸煮)。放入烤箱,180度下烤一个小时。之后取下锡纸,再烤半小时给鸡上色。   Step 4   Add 400ml of dry white wine and same amount of water into the baking tray. Put in the chicken, together with a lot of thyme sprigs, then wrap the baking tray with tin foil (this helps the chicken to steam in the tray). Put into oven and bake for an hour under 180 degree. Then take off the tin foil and bake for another half an hour to color the chicken skin.                  烤好后,把鸡肚子里的填充物取出装盘(一道风味绝佳的炖豆子),再把烤好的软嫩的整鸡大卸八块并摆盘。   Once finish baking, take out the stuffing from chicken (a perfect beans dish), then cut the perfectly tendered chicken into pieces and serve.      扫描下面二维码查看公众号,并订阅“金小厨”。第一时间获得美味食谱及做法!Scan below barcode in wechat official account and subcribe to be timely update!   

