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烘培入门级:蔓越莓桔子黄油饼干Cranberry cookies

2015-02-06 22:38    来源:网络转载    作者:未知    阅读:387次    我要评论

  烘培入门级:蔓越莓桔子黄油饼干Cranberry & orange zest butter cookies   2015-01-29金小厨   黄油饼干属于入门级烘培,步骤简单并且无需过多技巧,味道也可以根据自己喜好随意调整。这次选用的是蔓越莓干和橙皮的搭配,给黄油饼干增添了一些酸甜的水果风味。   Butter cookie is a ideal recipe for beginners to enter the bakery world. It takes a few simple steps with little chance for mistakes. You can flavor your butter cookie randomly to your preference. This recipe chooses dry cranberry & orange zest, for a fruity flavor to cut through the rich butter cookie.   原料/Ingredients   黄油/Butter   220克/220g   白砂糖/Caster sugar   200克/200g   低筋面粉/Cake flour   345克/345g   鸡蛋/Egg   1个/One   泡打粉/Baking powder   半茶匙/Half teaspoon   香草精/Vanilla extract   一茶匙/1 teaspoon   盐/Salt   少许/A pinch   蔓越莓干/Dry cranberries   100克/100g   橙皮/Orange zest   50克/50g            第一步: 将在室温下软化过的黄油,和白砂糖一并加入搅拌机中中速搅拌,直至完全融合。这个过程大约用5分钟。之后加入鸡蛋和香草液,并继续搅拌均匀。   Step 1: Soften butter in room temperature, then add to mixer together with white caster sugar. Beat for about 5 mins until smoothly mixed. Add the egg and vanilla extract, beat to fully combined.            第二步: 在另一个盆里,筛入面粉、小苏打和盐。将其加入至第二步的混合物中,并搅拌成面糊状。   Step 2: In a separate bowl, mix together the flour, baking soda and salt. Add the flour mixture to the cream mixture in step 1 and beat until incorporated.                  第三步: 将泡过水的橙皮和蔓越莓干分别切碎(也可以使用食物处理器打碎),并拌入第二步的面糊里,并搅拌均匀。   Step 3: Soak the dry orange zest in warm water and chop with dry cranberries. Stir theminto the cookie batter and mix well.               第四步: 将面糊分成4份,每份滚成长条状或长方形,并用塑料薄膜包裹起来,放入冰箱冷却至少三小时(最长一周)。   Step 4: Divide the dough into 4, roll each dough into cynlindrical or rectangular shape. Wrap in cling film and chill in the fridge for at least 3 hours or up to a week.            第五步: 预热烤箱至190度。把固定成型的饼干面糊切成厚约5毫米的饼干片,之后放入烤箱烤10分钟。注意饼干码放间距要超过5厘米,因为饼干烤的过程中会膨胀。   Preheat oven to 190 degree. Slice the cookie dough into 5mm thick pieces, then bake for 10 mins to be ready. Remember to keep at least 5cm distance between cookies when baking, as the cookies will expand while cooking.                  搜索微信公众号“金小厨”或扫描下面二维码订阅。第一时间获得美味食谱及做法!Search "chef_jp"in wechat official account or scan below barcode tosubcribe to be timely update!   

