





517美食 ☉ 北京吃喝玩乐-吃货网 ☉ 寒冷冬日自制冬阴功汤 A simple recipe of Tom Yum Gong

寒冷冬日自制冬阴功汤 A simple recipe of Tom Yum Gong

2015-02-06 22:41    来源:网络转载    作者:未知    阅读:301次    我要评论

冬阴功汤算是一道泰式的经典,虽然做法各异,但是大致的酸辣口味很容易实现,所以即使第一次做也不必担心。除了使用虾的做法,也有用鸡肉或鱼肉做的类型,不变的是东南亚香草的使用(香茅、南姜、柠檬叶都可以在类似三源里市场这种地方找到)。大家不妨在家里小试一下,在新年给家人一道来自东南亚的热呼呼的惊喜。这道菜的拍摄地点在新加坡友人家中(鸣谢Amanda的Costa Rhu和张博士的拍摄)。   Tom Yum Gong is a classic Thai dish. Recipe varies but the spicy-sour taste is easy to achieve, almost foul-proof even for first-timers. Using prawns is traditional way, but chicken & fish also appear in many recipes. Only thing unchange will be the South-East Asian herbs which can be found in local markets nowadays (lemongrass, galanga, lime leaves). It is a good recipe to try at home for a nice surprise for your family. To suit the scene, photos for this recipe are taken in a friend's house in Singapore.(Thanks to dear Amanda and Dr.Zhang)   原料Ingredients:   香茅/Lemongrass   4-5根/4-5 pieces   南姜/Galanga   2块/2 pieces   柠檬叶/Lime leaves   6-7片/6-7 pieces   泰式辣椒/Thai chilies   4-5颗/4-5 pieces   青柠/limes   5-8粒/5-8   对虾/prawns   8-10只/ 8-10   平菇或鲜蚝菇/Oyster mushroom   一小盘/A small plate   樱桃番茄/Cherry tomato   若干/ A handful   椰浆/Coconut milk   约200毫升/About 200ml   鱼露/Fish sauce   根据口味而定/Taste to add            步骤Step by step:   第一步/Step 1   把青柠切成小块并榨汁,依青柠大小,需要能够榨出半碗汁的数量。香茅切掉两头,并除去最外层的皮,用刀背敲打香茅以增强香味并切成小段待用。把南姜切成厚片。柠檬叶撕成小片。依照个人对辣味的容忍程度对辣椒处理,此做法中我把辣椒切开去籽。把小番茄切开两半。   Cut the lime into small pieces and squeeze out the juice, need at least 1.5 cup of lime juice for this recipe. Cut off the ends of the lemongrass, take off the outer layer, bash using back of knife and cut into pieces. Cut the galanga into thick slices. Tear lime leaves into smaller pieces to release the flavor. You can take out the seeds of the chilies if you want, or just use as whole. Half the cherry tomatos.                        第二步 Step 2   热锅中入油,把处理过的对虾虾头煎炒3分钟,使虾头中的红油充分渗出。锅中加滚水,炖煮虾头高汤几分钟,之后加入香茅、南姜、柠檬叶和辣椒,炖煮汤头约10分钟。根据虾的新鲜程度不同,可稍微打沫。   Oil into hot pan, fry the heads of the prawns for a few minutes. Add boiling water and cook the broth for a few minutes more. Add the lemongrass, galanga, lime leaves and chilies, cook for 10 mins on medium heat. Skim off the foams if needed.         第三步 Step3   在煮好的汤头中加入蘑菇和小番茄进行炖煮,加入鱼露调味。煮约5分钟至番茄表皮逐渐脱落。   Add mushroom and tomatos into the soup, cook for 5 mins and add fish sauce to season.            第四步 Step 4   加入虾身煮1分钟(不要把虾煮的过熟了),加入椰奶。此时依照个人口味调味,如过淡可以加入更多鱼露。   Add the prawns and cook for 1 min (try not to over-cook the prawns). Add the coconut milk and season with fish sauce according to your taste.         第五步 Step 5   关火后,倒入青柠汁(青柠汁炖煮会有苦味,所以关火后才加)。之后装盘并点缀以香菜。   Turn off the heat and add in the lime juice (it could become a bit bitter if heat is still on after adding the juice). Garnish with fresh coriander and serve.         搜索微信“金小厨”公众号订阅!Search "chef_jp"from official account and subscribe!   

